Thursday, November 30, 2006

final review format

my biggest complaint about our mid-semester review was the lack of visual contact. it is always nice to be able to see your critic so you can interpret what he really thinks about your project, so you know if he is questioning you because he thinks your project/premise is really bad or because he is really impressed and what you to take it farther. i would imagine that the jurors felt a similar sentiment, as they had no way of knowing how we were taking their criticism. while i was in charleston, i took a class via polycom, a self-contained video conferencing device. the video hardly every froze and you could control the camera at the other end. it allowed for fairly fluid interaction; in fact, we gave a presentation to the class from our end. i am not sure if this technology is available to ron and other global jurors or if it can handle more that two locations. i do think that it could be a good medium for a/v communication that could be supplemented by blog posts and other web content for graphic communication.

i do not this that we should use breeze again. it seemed very slow and buggy. i recall that it repeatedly crashed peoples computers. its biggest flaw, in my opinion, is it the fact that you have to push a button to talk. this made it feel like we were in a lecture, not engaging in an open, fluid dialogue. someone would speak, then there would be a pause while everyone waited to make sure they were done and that there was not a lag, and then the next person would begin and repeat. accordingly, the conversation was choppy. perhaps a skype group chat with blog/vyew to supplement would be better.

1 comment:

rael said...

jason, i have thought about using ichat, which allows for multiple participates along with vyew, which i think is better than breeze. any chance you, trevore, vinnie and i can try a multi-chat sometime?