Thursday, November 30, 2006

layout test

i am experimenting with some techniques to improve the presentation of information with our blogs. its seems that a lot of us have really long entries, so maybe some section headings will make them easier to read.

section heading

so there is a simple section heading made possible by a quick change to the template html/css.

i also thought that it would be interesting to have portions of the blog expand and collapse.

click here to check it out

here is the hidden text. you can click the link again to collapse this text again. you can also place images in this area:

to collapse this area, you can also click here.

ron, this is what i had in mind for the sumo post. let me know what you think. this think it could be nice to embed some of the process photos in there expanding/collapsing areas.

final review format

my biggest complaint about our mid-semester review was the lack of visual contact. it is always nice to be able to see your critic so you can interpret what he really thinks about your project, so you know if he is questioning you because he thinks your project/premise is really bad or because he is really impressed and what you to take it farther. i would imagine that the jurors felt a similar sentiment, as they had no way of knowing how we were taking their criticism. while i was in charleston, i took a class via polycom, a self-contained video conferencing device. the video hardly every froze and you could control the camera at the other end. it allowed for fairly fluid interaction; in fact, we gave a presentation to the class from our end. i am not sure if this technology is available to ron and other global jurors or if it can handle more that two locations. i do think that it could be a good medium for a/v communication that could be supplemented by blog posts and other web content for graphic communication.

i do not this that we should use breeze again. it seemed very slow and buggy. i recall that it repeatedly crashed peoples computers. its biggest flaw, in my opinion, is it the fact that you have to push a button to talk. this made it feel like we were in a lecture, not engaging in an open, fluid dialogue. someone would speak, then there would be a pause while everyone waited to make sure they were done and that there was not a lag, and then the next person would begin and repeat. accordingly, the conversation was choppy. perhaps a skype group chat with blog/vyew to supplement would be better.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

gna 2.0

based on the feedback, i made several changes to the algorithm. my first step was to create a funtion to map the points each volume was responding to. in the process of doing this, i found a bug in the previous algorithm which took me a while to fix. i also rewrote the placement function, so the archipelago generated is much more 'linear'. in appearence, the current algorithm is very similar to the previous, but the inner working have some major revisions.

i also played around with using metaballs. i didnt like the forms it was generating, so i put that exploration on hold. i may come back to it.

i also looked into animating the points. i posted on the formz forum for some help. the functions if need will not be available until formz 6.1 is released. i was told that they were hoping to release this upgrade by january. so i may be able to explore that further if the new version is released.

the next step is to have the size/form of each volume also respond to the conditions. i think that i have a good backbone in place, so now i can really begin to experiment.

here are some images of the current algorithm:

here is a .txt file of the algorithm

Monday, November 20, 2006

global network archipelago

as is proposed in a previous blog entry, the intent of my megaproposal is to create a network archipelago to facilitate the spread of the internet through the creation of a network of small installations. as i set out to create an algorithm to create this architecture, i first considered the form and program of each individual installation. the program would be based on:
  1. the internet
  2. language
  3. local need factor
the first two program functions would work together to provide interenet access and foster the development of more languages on the internet. the third program function would provide a response to a local need. i noticed in my mapimation that areas with low internet development tended to have high instability. this third program function could serve to house aids clinics, polling booths, disaster relief or refugee camp headquarters, etc.

each of these functions would be housed in a separate volume, and this volume's placement would respond to the condition of that function at the installation. to determine this, i mapped epicenter points for language, internet, and local needs across the globe. my algorithm analyzes these points at each installation and places each volume accordingly. currently, each volume represents a 40' shipping container.

what i find particularly intriguing about this approach is that the architecture becomes a map of several conditions. these condition are dynamic, and each installation could respond to the instantaneous condition at its creation. if this network were constructed, it would serves as a three dimensional database of these condition. the algorithm could be reversed in order to understand these conditions at a specific point in time.

the next iteration of the algorithm:
  • size each volume to respond in some way to its condition
  • create dynamic conditions so that the archipelago responds to differently over time

below are a few images of the archipelago. an important note: these drawings are NOT to scale. each volume represents a 40' shipping container. they have been exaggerated to show relationships over great geographical distances.



plan detail

Thursday, November 16, 2006

formz scripts

formz scripts allow you to expand the possibilities offered by formz through the creastion of an algorithm. it seems to me that there are two basic uses for a script in formz:

1- to improve efficiency in modeling. you could write a script to quickly handle any repetitive tasks, from renaming groups of objects to quickly reproducing an object hundreds of times to accurately and precisely creating nurbs surfaces and other object.

2-to generate architecture form. this is know as algorithmic architecture. the algorithm can be used to covert a data set (the could range in size from a few entries to thousands of entries) into a three dimension form through a specific and calculated set of deformations. randomization and fractal patterning can also be introduced to replicate organic growth and decay.

to develop scripts in formz, the formz script editor is used. formz scripts are written in the c++ programing language. you must also download and install the formz sdk, available here, to use the functions and classes specifically written for formz. included with the sdk is a reference manual that outlines the use of all the functions and classes. it also contains sample scripts.

the first step of scripting is to have a basic grasp of computer programming with c++. a few online tutorials that may be helpful can be found here and here. there is also a tutorial available from the formz website; it is limited to creation of nurbs surfaces. the formz forum of scripting can also be helpful. unfortunately, it seems that most of the references and documentation on scripts are only available at the formz website, and are somewhat limited.

Friday, November 10, 2006

mega proposal

i propose to create a mega-network to facilitate, among other things, the true globalization of the internet. this network would be made up a hundreds or thousands of small units. each unit would be inexpensive, easily deployable, scalable, sustainable, and capable of adapting to local climate, culture, etc. perhaps each unit would be a simple construct/framework onto which locals could graft their building traditions to make the unit their own.

each unit would deploy a tethered balloon that carries a radio antenna. therefore, each unit would act as a node in a new network. one unit could be hardwired into the current infrastructure and act as the portal for all other balloons connected by line of sight. this is similar to some of the ideas i mentioned in my ILLINOIS post. this would allow an infinate number of new networks to grow from an infinate number central points. these network would begin to overlap and merge.

these units could serve a multitude of purposes beyond simply allowing internet access. it could also serve as a portal for medical care, a voting hub, etc.

Friday, November 03, 2006

mapimations finale

we live in a world that is increasingly dominated by the internet. a mega-collection of information is instantly available to us at all times. what we take for granted, it seems, is the position of dominance that the u.s. enjoys. becuase the internet revolution began in the u.s., we have the most extensive network infrastructure; we can also rely on english to access roughly 70% of internet content. compare this with the world's non-english speakers who can access no more that 6% of internet content with their native tongue. (more about the internet)

the dominance of the english language on the internet in beginning to diminish, as more and more content in other languages is made available. these languages, however, only represent the world's superpowers that have the resources to implement a network infrastructure at a large scale. in the third world, access to the interent is severely limited. and even when it is available, users are usually forced to use a second language to access internet content.

the first goal of this project is to illustrate the current state of language on the internet. geography has been abandoned, and the world has been transformed into the language archipelago. the hope is that this map can inspire a vision to remake the archipelago and revolutionize the internet by means of global inclusion.



each country is placed within the archipelago to indicate its ascendancy on the internet within each of the ten most dominant internet languages. each language is indicated by the flag of its origin. the closer a country is to the origin (in x, y, and z axes), the more power in enjoys in the internet. language and network infrastructure are considered in this placement.


each country is also connected by a language continuum. here, ascendancy is ignored. each country is considered for is contribution to the internet culture in all languages.


it is also important to appreciate the archipelago in three dimensions:

anim_1.1 - transformation

anim_1.2 - the archipelago (quicktime VR)

as would be expected, network infrastructure is directly related to many other factors, as illustrated below:

img_3.1 - night
note the density of light at the origin

img_3.2 - router density
shows a trend that is very similar to the 'world at night' map above

img_3.3 - gdp
note the density of gdp at the origin

img_3.4 - aids pandemic
aids tend to be inversely related to gdp in the archipelago

its seems that creation of a global mega-network to supplement the internet infrastructure could provide true globalization of the internet. a network of scalable, easily deplorable units could be created to provide access to information via the internet in remote regions currently lacking appropriate infrastructure. this would serve to provide more universal inclusion on the internet. it would also result in a diversification of language on the internet as more people speaking more languages could contribute. it would also aid in the preservation of languages by providing a forum for small language communities to interact and by creating an archive (both written and spoken) of less known languages.

this new mega-network could also serve purposes beyond language and the interent. it could serve as a portal for the delivery of health care. it could also facilitate the spread of democracy by providing a terminal for electoral voting in remote areas.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

semantics of the language archipelago

ascendancy |əˈsendənsē|
occupation of a position of dominant power or influence

continuum |kənˈtinyoōəm|
a continuous sequence in which adjacent elements are not perceptibly different from each other, although the extremes are quite distinct